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Central Commitee agreements on the negotiation between UP and PSOE to form a government
19 de Noviembre de 2019

Dear Comrades,

In the previous X plenari of the Central Committee – held the 16th of November 2019 – we agreed to a series of statues related to the current political situation of the country, and, more concretely, about the increasing possibility of Unidas Podemos and PSOE co-governance.

Firstly, we would like to extend our gratitude to all participants and supporters of the party, to Izquierda Unida and Unidas Podemos, for their hard work and dedication. We all were greatly successful in our efforts in the past electoral campaign; thanks to that, we were able to develop a crucial and difficult campaign. It is notable that we were able to accomplish all this using our own resources while rejecting corporate support.

The political circumstance in the new Senate and Congress is complex, however the Communist Party of Spain (PCE) is committed to work towards our main goal of not having repeat elections for a third time. We foresee that a third election cycle in such a short period would cause many Spaniards to abstain from participating, thus providing opportunity for the extreme-right to surge and corresponding neoliberal policies.

The only valid option is a government coalition between Unidas Podemos and PSOE, which this Central Committee regarded highly during the last general elections on 28 April. It is essential that this new coalition not only reflects the agreement among the democratic political forces who supported the motion of censure against the PP, but also the plural and diverse country which fights against patriarchy and neoliberal political measures.

We also urgently need a government that halts fascist and far-right groups and that promotes socio-economic policies that protect the rights of those most vulnerable coupled with a democratic response to improve the living conditions of working families. In essence, we need a government that stops the progress of the extreme right, but also aims to build a more fair, democratic and egalitarian country.

Therefore, the PCE welcomes the pre-agreement of November 12th which mark the beginnings of the negotiations for a government coalition.

The later formal agreement should include measures already presented to the public opinion that guarantee and are dedicated to the following: fundamental rights and a tributary justice, fair employment conditions, efficient support to pymes and autonomous workers, shield public services and equal access to cultural services, against the depopulation of rural areas, and seek to address the Catalan question.

The opinion of the PCE is that the political agreement should reflect the goals and mission of social movements and the union’s expression, which have been working for many years against austerity measures and relapses in regards to rights of human beings.

Thereupon, in the future consultation in Izquierda Unida, where the organization will ask its participants and supporters if they agree on the government coalition between Unidas Podemos-PSOE, the PCE will campaign to support favourably.

Lastly, if the government coalition is accomplished, the PCE must put in practice the following controls and supports:

- An annual assembly to hold accountable Izquierda Unida and, if possible, Unidas Podemos as well.

- A stable relationship between PCE, IU, and Unidas Podemos with social movements, and unions. As well as, among these and the institutions.

- The PCE bodies will evaluate the progresses, problems, and contradictions of any government action.

We are currently living in a historical crossroad, thus, we encourage you to read thoroughly the whole report approved by the Central Committee, in order to start working together and achieve the best outcome. There is little time to lose, as we are much more than bystanders of the political reality we now find ourselves in. We need to be ready to live all sort of political attacks against this new government coalition and its actions.

It is in our hands to help develop a brighter future for progressive forces around the world.

Secretariat of the Central Committee.


Categorías:  España  |  english  |  negociaciones para el cogobierno
